Ever think of using Arduino UNO on breadboard? This board might be the Arduino board you are searching. BBFuino come with the ATMega328P controller, loaded with Optiboot (Arduino UNO's bootloader), compatible with Arduino IDE and sample code, design to fit breadboard for prototyping and learning, lower down the cost by taking out the USB to UART IC, so the board has the basic component to operate. Optimizing the money you need to spend :)
All pins are labeled as original Arduino board and it reserved the LED (pin13) and Reset button. Additionally we have added the pad for 2x8 LCD, with just minimum components and works, you will be able to have message display from your BBFuino. Like Arduino, BBFuino can be used to develop interactive objects, taking inputs from a variety of switches or sensors and controlling a variety of lights motors, and others physical outputs.