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Tutorial Search - Tag - Mobile Robot

Mobile Robot using TinyUSB

Mobile Robot using TinyUSB

Wireless control of the mobile robot is made possible through the use of a wireless joystick via TinyUSB. In essence, this marks an improvement to the device information project by integrating the re..
How To Build A Mobile Robot (Part 2)

How To Build A Mobile Robot (Part 2)

As mentioned in Part 1, you shouldn’t have a problem completing your robot if you get a “ready-to-use” robot or the building kit because most of the time you will be provided with a ....
How To Build A Mobile Robot (Part 1)

How To Build A Mobile Robot (Part 1)

I came across many questions posted by beginners asking for assistance in selecting the right parts to build their first mobile robot.In this post, I am going to share the options we have in sel..
Choosing a DC Motor

Choosing a DC Motor

We have seen many makers face difficulties in choosing the right motor for their mobile robots as well as automation projects. Many of them are not from a mechanical engineering background hence the c..
Remote Control with Shield-PS2 + G15 as wheel

Remote Control with Shield-PS2 + G15 as wheel

Yes! The PS2 has an Arduino shield now! The Cytron PS2 Shield is designed to be compatible with SONY PS2 wired and wireless types. Previously I have written an..
Remote Mobile Robot with XBee-WiFi

Remote Mobile Robot with XBee-WiFi

Since Digi International (the company of XBee) has launched its WiFi module (XBee-WiFi), I am thinking to create a simple but interesting application using this..
1 Day Robot Building (MC40A + Aluminum Base) for Edubot 2.0

1 Day Robot Building (MC40A + Aluminum Base) for Edubot 2.0

Have you ever thought of making a mobile robot in 1 day? Now you have the chance with MC40A Mini Mobile Robot Controller + some accessories. Let’s have fun!..