Lesson 4 : Analog Input



In this tutorial we shall see how to read the analog value from the potentiometer and display the value in the Blynk web dashboard.


Component Used 

  1. Finger Adjust Preset 10K

  2. Breadboard 8.5x5.5cm (400 Holes)

  3. 40-Way 10cm Dupont Jumper Wire



Go to the templates and click the Maker Nano RP2040 




Next, click on the web dashboard and click edit.



Find the label widget and drag to the working window.




Click on the Gear button




In the label setting window key in the details as shown in the image below




Next key in the details in the new window as per image below and click create.




In the next window click the show level and click the save button.



Hardware Setup






Remember to replace the wifi user id and password and the authentication key.






From the image, it can be seen that the local value on the serial monitor and the Blynk value are the same. This is just to replicate the analog value. The potentiometer used in this lesson can be replaced with another sensor.

Hardware Components