Raspberry Pi Line Following Robot with Maker Line

Raspberry Pi Line Following Robot with Maker Line


Maker Line sensor is designed for line following robot application. It works at 3.3V and 5V make it suitable to be used with Arduino boards, Raspberry Pi, ESP32 and micro:bit. This tutorial is using Raspberry Pi board and python code. Before we start, I recommend you to understand the basic of line following robot. You can refer to this tutorial:


This video is about Raspberry Pi line following robot with Maker Line sensor.


Hardware Preparation

This is the list of items used in the video.

Sample Program

This is the python code for Raspberry Pi line following robot with Maker Line. You may need to adjust the speed (try and error) based on your hardware.


Thank You


  1. Python GPIO library - pigpio
  2. Library to control GPIO on Raspberry Pi - gpiozero
  3. Maker Line Datasheet

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