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Maker UNO RP2040 Project Collection 2024
Introducing the Maker Uno RP2040, a revolutionary development board that combines the beloved Uno form factor with the powerful dual-core Arm Cortex-M0+ processor chip, the Raspberry Pi® RP2040. Thanks to its large flash memory, programming with Circuitpython or Micropython is made possible. Packed with Maker Series goodness and enhanced features, this board is designed to elevate both your innovative projects and educational pursuits.
Getting Started with Maker UNO RP2040
Microcontroller: Maker UNO RP2040
1. Flame Detector:
This project utilizes the Maker UNO RP2040 to create a flame detection system. The system employs a flame sensor to detect the presence of fire or flames. When a flame is detected, the output is indicated by a green LED. In the absence of a flame, a red LED is illuminated. This setup provides a simple yet effective way to monitor for potential fire hazards.
Download the code here.
2. Radar Detector:
This project leverages the Maker UNO RP2040 to create a radar detection system using an ultrasonic sensor and a servo motor. The ultrasonic sensor scans the surroundings by rotating with the help of the servo motor. Detected objects and their distances are displayed on an OLED screen, providing a real-time visual representation of the environment.
Download the code here.
3. Automatic Gatekeeper:
Automatic gatekeeper using Maker Uno RP2040, a DIY project that uses a microcontroller to automate gate opening and closing, controlled by a servo motor and an IR sensor.
Download the code here.
4. Sequential LED Light:
A simple project demonstrating sequential LED lighting using the Maker Uno RP2040 board. The code cycles through LEDs, creating a visually appealing effect.
Download the code here.
5. Automatic Parking Gate:
Maker Uno RP2040-powered automatic parking gate with ultrasonic sensor and servo motor.
Download the code here.
6. Parking Distance Sensor:
Parking distance sensor using Maker Uno RP2040 and an ultrasonic sensor to measure the distance to obstacles using ultrasonic waves, providing real-time audio feedback for safe reverse parking.
Download the code here.
7. Potentiometer Control Servo Motor:
This project controls a servo motor with a potentiometer. By adjusting the potentiometer, you can precisely control the angle of the servo motor, making it a great setup for applications requiring variable position control.
Download the code here.
8. Control NeoPixels Ring Colours:
Create stunning LED art with the Maker UNO RP2040 and Neopixels. This project lets you design and control beautiful light patterns and animations.
Download the code here.
9. LED Music Amplitude Equalizer:
Transform your music experience with the Maker UNO RP2040 by creating an LED music amplitude equalizer. This project visualizes music amplitude through vibrant LED patterns, making your DIY projects come to life with sound and light.
Download the code here.
10. Ultrasonic Distance Measurement with OLED Display:
This project uses the Maker UNO RP2040 to measure distance with an ultrasonic sensor and display the results on an OLED screen. It's a simple and effective way to visualize distance measurements for various applications.
Download the code here.
11. Measure Distance using Ultrasonic Sensor and LEDs:
This project uses the Maker UNO RP2040 and an ultrasonic sensor to measure distance. The measured distance is indicated with an LED, providing a straightforward visual cue for distance detection.
Download the code here.
12. Button Triggered Music Box
Utilize the Maker Uno RP2040 microcontroller to program and construct an advanced music box. This project involves coding melodies using precise timing functions and PWM signals to drive a speaker, transforming your digital creations into audible music.
Download the code here.
13. Control DC Motor Speed using Potentiometer
Implement a feedback loop to control the speed of a DC motor with a potentiometer using the Maker Uno RP2040. This project covers the integration of analog input readings with PWM outputs to achieve variable motor speed control.
Download the code here.
14. Control LED with Joystick Input
Design an LED control system using the Maker Uno RP2040 and a joystick interface. This project involves reading digital joystick inputs and controlling which LED to light up according to the joystick direction.
Download the code here.
15. Control Servo Motor Rotation with the Joystick Module
Explore servo motor manipulation by interfacing a joystick with the Maker Uno RP2040. This project demonstrates how to map joystick input values to servo positions using precise PWM control, ideal for applications in robotics and automation.
Download the code here.
16. Snake Game using OLED Display
Recreate the classic Snake game by using an OLED display with the Maker UNO RP2040.
Download the code here.
17. Robot Eyes with OLED Display
Construct a virtual robotic eye that will be displayed on the OLED, the eye will move frame by frame to simulate a robot opening and closing its eyes.
Download the code here.
18. Push Button LED with OLED
Integrate push buttons and an OLED display with the Maker Uno RP2040 for an interactive LED project. This project covers debouncing techniques for reliable button input, controlling LED states, and displaying real-time information on an OLED screen using I2C communication.
Download the code here.