
Maker Mini Sumo with Bluetooth Controller

Maker Mini Sumo with Bluetooth Controller

We will guide you through controlling the Maker Mini Sumo using a Bluetooth controller (HC-05 or HC-06)...
RC Sumo using Maker Mini Sumo Controller

RC Sumo using Maker Mini Sumo Controller

This tutorial is focusing on how to use RC Controller with Maker Mini Sumo Controller board in Sumo Robot development..
Make Turntable using MD10-POT Motor Driver

Make Turntable using MD10-POT Motor Driver

This tutorial is application of MD10POT motor driver that can be use directly from the board without programming. The turntable is produce using 3D Printing method...
Build 1KG RC Sumo Robot using MDDRC10

Build 1KG RC Sumo Robot using MDDRC10

This is a RC Sumo Robot based on MDDRC10 Motor Driver. The sizes are 15cm(L) x 15cm(W) with below 1kg (weight). The spec is for 1kg Sumo Robot Competition..
Let’s Upgrade your Mini Sumo to 1kg Sumo Robot

Let’s Upgrade your Mini Sumo to 1kg Sumo Robot

This tutorial is specially designed for robotics enthusiasts that are excited about 1kg Sumo Robot. Let’s start on this journey!..
STEM Robot Building Base Kit Step-by-Step Installation Guide

STEM Robot Building Base Kit Step-by-Step Installation Guide

This guide will show you on how to build your robot car base by using the STEM Robot Building Base Kit...
Getting Started Guide with Robo Pico using CircuitPython

Getting Started Guide with Robo Pico using CircuitPython

Robo Pico that is powered by Raspberry Pi Pico / Pico W and this getting started and projects guide will help you to kick start your Robo Pico projects w..
DIY Wooden Robotic Dinosaur (with Remote Control)

DIY Wooden Robotic Dinosaur (with Remote Control)

INTRODUCTION This is the tutorial to modify the DIY Wooden Robotic Dinosaur (with Batteries) to a remote control DIY Wooden Robotic Dinosaur using the small receiver and  the transmitter with anten....
Maker Nano RP2040 Interfacing With Maker Line Using Arduino IDE

Maker Nano RP2040 Interfacing With Maker Line Using Arduino IDE

 Video Hardware PreparationSince this is a continuation from the previous tutorial the additional that we will need is the Maker Line. Maker ....
Maker Nano RP2040 Interfacing With Maker Drive Using Arduino IDE

Maker Nano RP2040 Interfacing With Maker Drive Using Arduino IDE

 Video Hardware PreparationThis are the list of items used in this tutorial.Maker Nano RP2040: Simplifying Projects with Raspberry Pi RP2040Maker Dr....
Program Otto DIY robot for basic movements with CircuitPython

Program Otto DIY robot for basic movements with CircuitPython

After assemble the Otto robot, next we will try to program it using CircuitPython. Basically we need to know how to control 4 servo motors to create the robot movement.....
Otto DIY robot head for Maker Nano RP2040

Otto DIY robot head for Maker Nano RP2040

I would like to try building the Otto DIY robot using Maker Nano RP2040 and program it using CircuitPython. But the STL file provided cannot fit the board. So how?....
Control DC motor using Maker Drive and CircuitPython on RP2040

Control DC motor using Maker Drive and CircuitPython on RP2040

In this tutorial I will share how to control a DC motor using Maker Drive and program it using CircuitPython on the Maker Nano RP2040.....
Building Line Following Robot Using Maker Pi Pico, Maker Drive and Maker Line

Building Line Following Robot Using Maker Pi Pico, Maker Drive and Maker Line

Raspberry Pi Pico is the 1st Microcontroller Development Board from Raspberry Pi Foundation. It is also based on the 1st Microcontroller IC/Silicon - RP2040, designed and produced by Engineers from th..